1 Month Individualized Health Coaching Program
In this 1 month program, I offer individualized Coaching to suit your goals and your body's needs.
Do you have a specific health concern or challenge?
Do you want to break an old habit or learn a new one and you just never seem to stick to it or get around to it?
Do you want to start learning what YOUR body needs, how to listen to it and give it the best food, movement and lifestyle habits possible?
Do you struggle with disordered eating or blocks when it comes to your relationship with food and your body?
If you answer 'YES' to any of these questions, this program is for you!
Here's what you'll get:
2 x 30 min Health Coaching sessions online
1 x Health History Analysis online
Individualized coaching around your needs and goals at this time
1 weekly email with information, calls to actions and support
A whole foods shopping list and recipes
Downloadable meditation and breathwork session
Support via email and Whatsapp
Discount on any online courses & upcoming virtual events
ALL of this for only R699.00 (payment plan available, please send us an email for more information)
Ready to invest in the future YOU?
Click on the button below to SIGN UP or to ask me a question.
3 or 6 Month 'Back to Basics' Health Coaching Program
Yes, you read correctly. I am here to help you learn about food and your body so that you never have to diet again.
Your body is designed for health and when you make conscious choices of what you fuel it with, the results are amazing!
Eating real FOOD is the most important part of not only maintaining a healthy weight, but for nourishing your mind so it works optimally, for your internal organs so they communicate with each other beautifully, for healthy gut flow and digestion, for your nervous system to work in synergy with all aspects of your body and for the millions of other amazing functions your incredible body does daily without you even thinking about it.
The food you eat must be well, FOOD, not food-like products, so that it can help you jump-start your metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning machine, and also to nourish all our hard-working little cells that are constantly regenerating, taking out the trash, building, thinking, breathing and fighting nasties.
It's more important than ever to learn about FOOD, YOUR BODY and what it NEEDS to feel its best!
Healthy living can be easy, it can be fun and the food can still be yummy!
It's all about finding YOUR balance!
And that's where I come in to help.
If you're thinking 'YES' this program is for you!
Here's what you'll get:
2 x 45 min Health Coaching sessions per month online
1 x Health History Analysis online
Individualized coaching around your needs and 3 goals at this time
Weekly email with information, calls to actions and support on the topics of:
* Whole Foods
* Balancing Your Plate
* Superfoods
* 10 Sneaky Things That Make You Gain Weight
* Unhealthy Ingredients in Every Day Foods
* And more
A Whole Foods shopping list and recipes
Support via email and Whatsapp
Discount on any online courses & upcoming virtual events
ALL of this for only R599.00 per month
Ready to invest in the future YOU?
Click on the button below to SIGN UP or to ask me a question.